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Barcel inaugurates a plant in Hermosillo

The new plant required 115 million pesos to initiate production and will generate more than 100 direct jobs and more than 2,000 indirect jobs.
Grupo Bimbo
Bimbo Group
Hermosillo Sonora

On the 22nd of this past MayBarcel, S.A. opened two new production lines at the plant located in Hermosillo, Sonora, for the manufacturing of corn and potato snacks. These lines are equipped with pioneering technology that is used to manufacture mainly potato and corn snacks such as Taki’s, as well as Chip’s and Tostachos, among others. With this new operation, the goal is to make the production process in the region more efficient and to satisfy the growing demand for Barcel products.

The inaugural ceremony was lead by Roberto and Daniel Servitje, President of the Board of Directors and General Director of Grupo Bimbo, respectively. Also present was Eduardo Bours Castelo, Governor of the State of Sonora, as well as Maria Dolores del Río Sánchez, the Mayor of Hermosillo.

The above mentioned plant has a total surface area of 17,000 m2 and an annual production capacity of more than 7 thousand tons. Barcel Hermosillo generates more than 100 direct jobs and 2,000 indirect ones in the state of Sonora for the benefit of the different levels in the production chain, from its very beginning in the fields. It is important to point out that the supply of raw materials to this plant is carried out by the region’s agricultural workers, which means that support is also being provided to the state’s rural development.

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