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Bimbo cup kick-off

The Bimbo Cup is comprised of 2 tournaments, one for youths ages 15 to 18 and another for those over 18 years of age.

Grupo Bimbo
Bimbo Group

Registrations to participate in the Bimbo Cup are now open. It is a grand Soccer football 7, and rapid football tournament especially organized by Bimbo for our Mexican youth, which will begin in the month of February in the participating soccer fields distributed throughout different locations in the country.

Through this competition, Bimbo invites youths age 15 and over to participate in the activities of a community that concerns itself with the development of sports and physical activity, based on values such as teamwork and healthy competition.

José Manuel González, Bimbo Marketing Director said: “we are inviting our Mexican youths to participate in this Bimbo Cup tournament, which we organized especially for them. This is the first year that Bimbo organizes such a tournament and we are sure that it will be a great success”. He added that: “the practice of sports has many benefits to offer and we are opening up opportunities for young people hoping to motivate them and foster the practice of sports”.

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