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Estibalitz Laresgoiti Servitje

Estibalitz Laresgoiti Servitje

Member of the Board
2 years

Mrs. Laresgoiti Servitje has a medical degree from the Universidad Anahuac, a Master’s Degree in Immunology from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (National Polytechnic Institute, IPN for its acronym in Spanish), a Master’s Degree in Neuroscience from the Universidad Oberta Catalunya and a Doctorate in Health Psychology from Walden University in Minneapolis, MN. She is a speaker and a member of the Mead Johnson Nutrition Advisory Council. She has a Clinical Practice in Immunology in the ABC Medical Center. She is a researcher and professor of Immunology and Psychology in the ITESM. She is Professor of Basic and Advanced Statistics in the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM for its acronym in Spanish). She is a Professor of Immunology for post graduate Master´s Degree studies in Science in the IPN. She is Professor of Immunology at the Universidad Panamericana. She is a member of the National System of Researchers in the CONACYT. Mrs. Laresgoiti Servitje is the niece of Daniel Javier Servitje Montull.