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Annual assemblies

In accordance with the current Statutes, two types of general assemblies can be held: ordinary and extraordinary.

Ordinary general shareholders meetings are those convened to discuss any matter that is not reserved for extraordinary general shareholders meetings.

The ordinary general assemblies must be held at least once a year within the four months following the end of each fiscal year and will have the purpose, in accordance with the provisions of the LMV or the Bylaws, (i) approve the statements financial statements of the previous year, (ii) discuss and approve the annual reports of the Audit and Corporate Practices Committee, as well as determine the way in which the profits for the year will be applied (including, where appropriate, the payment of dividends), (iii ) elect the members of the Board of Directors, (iv) appoint the chairman of the Audit and Corporate Practices Committee, (v) approve any increase or decrease in variable capital and the issuance of the corresponding shares, (vi) determine the maximum amount which may be used for the acquisition of own shares, and (vii) approve any operation representing 20% ​​or more of its consolidated assets during a fiscal year.

Extraordinary general meetings, which may meet at any time, will be those whose purpose is (i) the change in duration or dissolution of the Company, (ii) the increase or decrease of the fixed part or the variable part of the share capital and the issuance of the corresponding shares, (iii) the issuance of shares to carry out a public offering, (iv) any modification to the corporate purpose or nationality, (v) the merger or transformation into any other type of company, (vi) the issuance of preferred shares, (vii) the amortization of shares with retained earnings, (viii) the amendment of the Bylaws, including modifications to the change of control clauses, (ix) any other matter described in the applicable legislation or in the Bylaws, and (x) the cancellation of the registration of the shares in the RNV.

Shareholders' meetings will be called at any time by the chairman of the Board of Directors or the Audit and Corporate Practices Committee or by the secretary of the Board of Directors or her alternate. Shareholders holding shares with voting rights, even in a limited or restricted manner, representing at least 10% of the capital stock, may request that a general shareholders' meeting be convened. Likewise, in accordance with the Bylaws, any shareholder holding a share shall have the right to request in writing the Board of Directors or the chairman of the Audit and Corporate Practices Committee to convene a general shareholders' meeting when no meeting has been held during two consecutive years or when the assemblies held during that time have not dealt with (i) discussing, approving or modifying the directors' report, (ii) the appointment of the members of the Board of Directors, or (iii) determining the emoluments corresponding to the administrators.

The call for the assemblies must be made through the publication of a notice in the Official Gazette of the Federation or in one of the newspapers with the largest circulation in Mexico City. Said publication must be made at least 15 days in advance of the date set for the meeting. The corresponding call must contain the Order of the Day and be signed by the person or persons who make it. The information and documents related to each of the points established in the Agenda will be available to shareholders at the Company's offices from the moment the corresponding call is published.

Shareholders or their representatives who, at least 48 hours in advance of the date and time set for the meeting, counted on business days, display their share titles or the certificates on the deposited share titles will be admitted to the meetings. in Indeval or in another institution for the deposit of securities that has a concession in terms of the LMV. Said certificates will be exchanged for a certification issued by the Group stating the name and number of shares that the shareholder represents. These certifications will serve as admission cards for the assemblies. The members of the Board of Directors, the General Director and the natural person designated by the legal entity that provides the external audit services may attend the shareholders' meetings.

Shareholders may be represented at shareholders' meetings by persons who prove their personality through proxy forms that they prepare and make available to them through stock market intermediaries or at the Company's offices, with at least 15 days in advance of the holding of each assembly. Said forms must comply with the requirements determined by the LMV and its complementary provisions.

For an ordinary general meeting to be considered legally installed by virtue of the first call, at least 50% of the capital stock must be represented. In the event of a second or subsequent call, the ordinary general meeting will be considered legally installed whatever the number of shares represented.

For the resolutions of the ordinary general meeting to be valid, they must be taken, in all cases, by the majority of votes of the shares that are represented in the meeting.

For an extraordinary general meeting to be considered legally installed by virtue of the first call, at least 75% of the shares representing the capital stock must be represented. In the event of a second or subsequent call, for the extraordinary general meeting to be considered legally installed, at least 50% of the shares representing the capital stock must be represented.

For the resolutions of the extraordinary general meeting to be valid, they must be taken, in all cases, by the favorable vote of shares that represent at least 50% of the capital stock.

Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2020

Previous assemblies


Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2020

Extraordinary Meeting 2020

Points to Approve (162.29 KB)

Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2019

Annual Shareholders´ Meeting 2018

Annual Shareholders´ Meetings 2017

Annual Shareholders´ Meetings 2016

Annual Shareholders´ Meetings 2015