Grupo Bimbo joined this 2013 the honor ranking roll of
The 500 Most Important Companies of Mexico
"The 500 Most Important Companies of Mexico", the annual list that brings together the largest companies in Mexico, reaches its 37th edition.
Grupo Bimbo joined this 2013 the honor ranking roll of “The 500 Most Important Companies of Mexico” by magazine Expansión and CNNExpansión, standing at the position number 9..
The first five places in the list remained unchanged from last year: PEMEX (1), América Móvil (2), Walmart (3), Comisión Federal de Electricidad (4) y FEMSA (5).
The ranking of the 500 most important companies of Mexico considers organizations that can be characterized as firms, ie, entities that offers assets or services and reports income or sales, regardless of their property and business. The purpose of this list is to provide an overview of the major Mexican companies in various economic sectors. In this sense, it is not a census of business, but a Mexican business management approach in a particular year.