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For the fourth consecutive year, Grupo Bimbo is among the First 20 most Respected Global Companies In The World

Mexican consumers evaluated Grupo Bimbo on the basis of four indicators: trust, overall esteem, admiration and good feeling
Grupo Bimbo
Bimbo Group
Mexico City

According to a recent survey carried out by the Reputation Institute among Mexican consumers, Grupo Bimbo earned a Global Pulse score of 80.22. This means that it now holds the 17th place on the list of the most respected companies in the World.

Grupo Bimbo’s reputation score is above the average score given to all the companies evaluated by consumers in 32 countries. This places Grupo Bimbo within a group of 200 elite companies considered to have the best reputation world-wide.

According to the Reputation Institute web page, Grupo Bimbo has earned, for the fourth consecutive year, a place in this international evaluation measuring the most respected companies in the World.

The survey, which resulted in assigning Grupo Bimbo such a place in the world ranking, included 60,000 on-line interviews with consumers from those 32 countries, which were held during January and February 2009.

The thousand companies participating were evaluated in their countries of origin. This means that those scoring Grupo Bimbo were Mexican consumers.

About the Reputation Institute

Reputation Institute research carried-out since 1999, demonstrates that it is more probable for people to like, trust and respect a company with a good reputation. The Reputation Institute has created a set of standardized models to provide companies a framework that helps them undertake a comparative analysis of their corporate reputation at the international level, and to identify those factors which comprise a reputation.

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Bimbo Group
Mexico City
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Bimbo Group
Mexico City
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Mexico City