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The Support from Grupo Bimbo and its associates after the recent eathquakes amounted to more than 38 million pesos

Grupo Bimbo and its associates reaffirm their commitment to society by helping affected Mexican families through the donation of products, the provision of financial assistance, and by making their distribution network available for the transfer of humanitarian aid.
The Support from Grupo Bimbo
Bimbo Group
Mexico City

During the contingencies derived from the recent earthquakes, Grupo Bimbo and its associates carried out various support actions in favor of those affected, once again confirming its commitment to Mexico and its people.

The sum of these supportive actions amounted to a value of more than 38 million pesos for society, with the following standing out:

• Donation of more than 194,000 products for victims.

• More than 490 trips from our distribution vehicles, which carried more than 3,000 tons of humanitarian aid from diverse regions of the country to the affected zones.

• More than 14.5 million pesos in economic support for the reconstruction of 18 public schools in the state of Oaxaca.

• More than 2.5 million pesos donated to the Mexican Red Cross to equip their facilities.

As a result of these actions, the Government of Mexico City recently recognized Grupo Bimbo as an Empresa Solidaria (Solidarity Company), which represents a group of strategic allies that take on the task of making the country's capital more resilient.

Javier González Franco, Deputy General Director of Grupo Bimbo, commented: “At Grupo Bimbo, we are committed to working every day for a better and more humane world. This recognition is proof of this and reflects the solidarity of all Mexicans, companies, collaborators, families, and the millions of people who join us to help demonstrate the strength of our country.

It is important to point out that Grupo Bimbo also fulfills its commitment to contribute two pesos for each one donated by its associates, as well as to support the Mexican Red Cross with an amount equivalent to the registration fee for the Global Energy Race in four cities, which was held on September 24.

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Bimbo Group
Mexico City
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Bimbo Group
Mexico City