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Grupo Bimbo disposed US$720 million from its committed Revolving Credit Facility

Grupo Bimbo S.A.B. de C.V. (“Grupo Bimbo” or the “Company”) disposed US$720 million of its committed revolving credit facility, which has a total value of US$2 billion. The disposed credit line has a maturity on October 7 th , 2023.
Grupo Bimbo Disposed US$720 Million
Bimbo Group
Mexico City

Grupo Bimbo S.A.B. de C.V. (“Grupo Bimbo” or the “Company”) disposed US$720 million of its committed revolving credit facility, which has a total value of US$2 billion. The disposed credit line has a maturity on October 7 th , 2023.

The resources will be used to refinance the remaining US$200 million of the 2020 notes maturing in June, while the remainder will be used for increasing the Company's liquidity, prioritizing flexibility and financial strength as a preventive measure due to the current environment.

With this, Grupo Bimbo currently has US$1.3 billion available in its committed credit facility for future disposals.

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