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Grupo Bimbo Inaugurates The Second Building Of Its Plant In Villahermosa

Grupo Bimbo reaffirms its commitment with the State of Tabasco by staring up two production lines to reach an installed capacity of up to 80 tons per year.
Plant In Villahermosa
Bimbo Group
Mexico City

Today, the inaugural ceremony of the second building of the Bimbo Villahermosa plant took place with the presence of the Governor of the State of Tabasco, Arturo Núñez Jiménez; the head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism, David Gustavo Rodríguez Rosario; attending, as well, the Senior Executive Vice President of Grupo Bimbo, Javier González Franco and Miguel Ángel Espioza, President of Bimbo México. The expansion required the Company to invest $15 million dollars.

The plant that started operations in 1979, starts up two new production lines thus increasing its production capacity to 80 tons per year of categories such as loaf bread, pound cakes, tortillas, buns and toast bread.

For almost 40 years, Bimbo has contributed to the commercial and industrial development of said State in a noteworthy and competitive way. Currently, the Company has one plant, five sales centers and over 480 distribution routes generating over 1,150 direct jobs in the entity.

During the ceremony, Javier González Franco, Senior Executive Vice President of Grupo Bimbo commented: “Through this investment, Grupo Bimbo reaffirms our commitment and trust in Tabasco and its people. Today, we are expanding the offer in the region with two products that accompany families in Tabasco every day: white loaf bread and toast bread, incorporating 55 associates into our team, representing new opportunities for workers in this great State.”

As part of the Company’s commitment to the environment, over the years, Bimbo Villahermosa has incorporated actions on sustainability, such as the installation of a modern waste water treatment plant, conversions for saving electric and heat power, and a system to recover oil and bulk raw materials. These actions become evident with the reduction of its environmental impact. In 2016, The Federal Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection la (PROFEPA, for its acronym in Spanish) granted Bimbo Villahermosa, for a second consecutive time, the Environmental Excellence Award (Reconocimiento de Excelencia Ambiental) due to its continuous performance improvements in this field, its commitment to preserve the environment, and social responsibility with the community.

Through the Buen Vecino (Good Neighbor) program, it contributes to the wellbeing of persons living or working in plant’s neighboring areas. In 2016, Bimbo Villahermosa rehabilitated and neighboring school area mainly destined for physical activity, benefitting over 800 students. Among other outstanding projects in this program there is the creation of an outdoors gym, and the recovery of recreational, sports and green spaces.

The event was also attended by Juan Soto Bribiesca y Andrés Bautista Martínez, Representatives of the Milling, Baking, Food, Transportation, Trade and Similar and Related Industries’ Workers Union of the Mexican Republic; federal, state and municipal authorities, as well as Bimbo associates and other special guests.

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