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Meet our 2017 Integrated Annual Report: Nourishing A Better World

We can announce that, in terms of financial results, we closed the year with revenues of almost 268 billion pesos and we formed a workforce that already has more than 138 thousand employees around the world.
Integrated Annual Report
Bimbo Group
Mexico City

We would like to share with you a copy of our Integrated Annual Report 2017: "Nourishing A Better World", in which you can find details of figures and actions that we carried out last year.

We can announce that, in terms of financial results, we closed the year with revenues of almost 268 billion pesos and we formed a workforce that already has more than 138 thousand employees around the world.

We were able to start operations in 10 new countries through acquisitions, such as East Balt Bakeries, Grupo Adghal, and Ready Roti, with which we continue to diversify and expand our leadership in the baking industry.

Concerning the strategy to reduce our environmental footprint, you will find that it has resulted in an 18% reduction in water consumption in production processes versus 2009. With respect to renewable energy, our fleet of electric vehicles now includes 350 units, with another 185 powered by natural gas. In terms of waste management, since 2010, the use of more than 2.2 million kilograms of plastic for packaging has been avoided. Also, through our Good Neighbor program, since 2012 we have completed 585 projects around the world, for the benefit of the communities in which we have a presence.

During the contingencies arising from the September 2017 earthquakes, Grupo Bimbo carried out various initiatives to support society, which amount to around 38 million pesos. This aid resulted in donations of more than 194 thousand products, more than 490 trips in distribution vehicles to carry more than 3 thousand tons of humanitarian aid, as well as financial support of more than 14 and a half million pesos for the reconstruction of 18 public schools in the state of Oaxaca and a donation to the Mexican Red Cross for nursing and emergency school equipment in Azcapotzalco.

In this report, you will also be able to know everything that we carry out in our pillars of sustainability, as well as actions and initiatives that have also contributed toward Grupo Bimbo being named one of the World's Most Ethical Companies, recognition given by The Ethisphere Institute, making it the only Mexican company to be included in the list.

At Grupo Bimbo we feed a better world, and we will carry on working in this way to continue building a sustainable, highly productive, and fully humane enterprise.

Integrated Annual Report

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